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What to do if the notebook is not working

This WILL happen to everyone at least once, probably many times. You attempt to open your web browser to http://localhost/<my_port_#> and you see the dreaded:


First, DO NOT PANIC!. Randomly clicking stuff is not going to fix the problem.

Close down everything that’s running

On your laptop (Windows)

It’s easy, just close ALL putty windows.

On your laptop (Mac)

List all the running ssh tunnels

ps -ef | grep ssh
iovercast     7389     1  0 May16 ?        00:00:00 ssh -N -f -L 9000:localhost:9000

Kill anything that looks like this ssh -N -f -L, using the process id, which is the number in the 2nd column:

kill 7389

On the HPC

List all your running cluster jobs

squeue -u iovercast

(base) bash-4.1$ squeue -u iovercast
JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 27742479 normal qlogin iovercas R 5:19 1 c15-3

Kill everything running using scancel and the JOBID (first column):

scancel 27742479

Restart everything

On the HPC

Open a terminal connection to the cluster and make sure your notebook server is actually running. Start the jupyter notebook:

sbatch ~/job-scripts/

Figure out what compute node it’s running on:

squeue -u iovercast
       27742583    normal jupyter. iovercas  R    4:44:32      1 c16-35

On your laptop (Windows)

Start a new ssh tunnel using the Windows

On your laptop (Mac)

SSH Tunnel on Mac/Linux can be established through the command line interface. Open a Terminal and run this command:

ssh -N -f -L <my_port_#>:<compute_node>:<my_port_#> <username>

4) In a browser open a new tab and navigate to http://localhost:<my_port_#>

5) If it still doesn’t work, ask for help.