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MESS (Massive Eco-Evolutionary Synthesis Simulations) - Part II

This is the second part of the MESS tutorial in which we introduce the API mode using jupyter notebooks. In this tutorial we’ll walk through the entire simulation and analysis process. This is meant as a broad introduction to familiarize users with the general workflow, and some of the parameters and terminology. We will use as an example in this tutorial the spider community data set from La Reunion published by Emerson et al (2017). However, you can follow along with one of the other example datasets if you like, the procedure will be identical although your results will vary.

MESS Part II Outline

For the purposes of this tutorial, all command interactions will take place inside a jupyter notebook running on the cluster. For the most part we will be writing and executing python commands.

Crash course in machine learning

Here, Megan will introduce you to Random Forest, how it works, and what we can use it for. random forest presentation

The MESS.inference architecture is based on the powerful and extensive scikit-learn python machine learning library. Another really amazing resource I highly recommend is the Python Data Science Handbook.

Setting up and connecting to a notebook server on the cluster

Lets get set up and connected to our notebook server on the cluster again. If you get stuck you might review the jupyter notebook troubleshooting page,

Assuming your SSH tunnel is still running, you will only need open your web browser and type localhost:<your_port_#>. Once you are connected to your notebook server, navigate to ~/MESS` and choose “New->Notebook->Python 3”

Download and examine example data

We will be using as an example dataset of community-scale COI sequences (~500bp) and densely sampled abundances for the spider community on the island of La Reunion, an overseas department of France, which is the largest of the Mascarene islands, located in the Indian Ocean approximately 1000 km from Madagascar. The data we will be using was collected and published by Emerson et al (2017). For this exercise, we will just grab and use the formatted data from the MESS github repository. For further instruction on properly formatting and converting raw data into MESS-ready format see the MESS raw data handling page.

In a new cell in your notebook you can download the Reunion spider data like this:


NB: The ! prior to the command here indicates that the jupyter notebook should interpret this as a bash command executed at the command line. This is a handy way of executing bash commands from within the notebook environment, rather than returning to a terminal window on the cluster. It’s just a nice shortcut.

Now make a new cell and import MESS and pandas (which is a python structured data library providing the DataFrame class), and read in the data you just downloaded.

%matplotlib inline
import MESS
import pandas as pd
spider_df = pd.read_csv("spider.dat", index_col=0)

Special Note: The %matplotlib inline command tells jupyter to draw the figures actually inside your notebook environment. If you don’t put this your figures won’t show up!

NB: Importing pandas as pd is pretty cannonical. It makes typing out pandas commands shorter because you can reference it as pd rather than pandas.

NB: The final line in the above command asks python to display the first 5 rows of the spider_df dataframe. It should look like this:


Create and parameterize a new MESS Region

MESS API mode lets you dive under the hood of the CLI mode a bit. You have all the power of the CLI mode, yet more flexibility. The first step in API mode is to create a MESS Region. A Region encompasses a very large Metacommunity and a much smaller local community which is connected to it by colonization. In creating a Region the only thing you’re required to pass in is a name, so lets go with “LaReunion” (No spaces!), as this is the region the empirical data is drawn from.

reunion = MESS.Region("LaReunion")
------- MESS params file (v.0.1.0)----------------------------------------------
LaReunion            ## [0] [simulation_name]: The name of this simulation scenario
./default_MESS       ## [1] [project_dir]: Where to save files
0                    ## [2] [generations]: Duration of simulations. Values/ranges Int for generations, or float [0-1] for lambda.
neutral              ## [3] [community_assembly_model]: Model of Community Assembly: neutral, filtering, competition
point_mutation       ## [4] [speciation_model]: Type of speciation process: none, point_mutation, protracted, random_fission
2.2e-08              ## [5] [mutation_rate]: Mutation rate scaled per base per generation
2000                 ## [6] [alpha]: Abundance/Ne scaling factor
570                  ## [7] [sequence_length]: Length in bases of the sequence to simulate
------- Metacommunity params: --------------------------------------------------
100                  ## [0] [S_m]: Number of species in the regional pool
750000               ## [1] [J_m]: Total # of individuals in the regional pool
2                    ## [2] [speciation_rate]: Speciation rate of metacommunity
0.7                  ## [3] [death_proportion]: Proportion of speciation rate to be extinction rate
2                    ## [4] [trait_rate_meta]: Trait evolution rate parameter for metacommunity
1                    ## [5] [ecological_strength]: Strength of community assembly process on phenotypic change
------- LocalCommunity params: Loc1---------------------------------------------
Loc1                 ## [0] [name]: Local community name
1000                 ## [1] [J]: Number of individuals in the local community
0.01                 ## [2] [m]: Migration rate into local community
0                    ## [3] [speciation_prob]: Probability of speciation per timestep in local community

These are all the parameters of the model. The defaults are chosen to reflect a typical oceanic island arthropod community. Don’t worry at this point about all the parameters, lets focus for now on community_assembly_model, the size of the local community (J), and the rate of migration from the metacommunity to the local community (m). We will set parameter ranges for these, and each simulation will sample a random value from this range. In a new cell use the set_param() method to change these values:

reunion.set_param("community_assembly_model", "*")
reunion.set_param("J", "1000-10000")
reunion.set_param("m", "0.001-0.01")

NB: Setting the community_assembly_model to * indicates that we want to sample uniformly among all three of the model types: neutral, competition, and environmental filtering.

Print the params again to prove to yourself that the ranges are now set:

------- MESS params file (v.0.1.0)----------------------------------------------
LaReunion            ## [0] [simulation_name]: The name of this simulation scenario
./default_MESS       ## [1] [project_dir]: Where to save files
0                    ## [2] [generations]: Duration of simulations. Values/ranges Int for generations, or float [0-1] for lambda.
*                    ## [3] [community_assembly_model]: Model of Community Assembly: neutral, filtering, competition
point_mutation       ## [4] [speciation_model]: Type of speciation process: none, point_mutation, protracted, random_fission
2.2e-08              ## [5] [mutation_rate]: Mutation rate scaled per base per generation
2000                 ## [6] [alpha]: Abundance/Ne scaling factor
570                  ## [7] [sequence_length]: Length in bases of the sequence to simulate
------- Metacommunity params: --------------------------------------------------
100                  ## [0] [S_m]: Number of species in the regional pool
750000               ## [1] [J_m]: Total # of individuals in the regional pool
2                    ## [2] [speciation_rate]: Speciation rate of metacommunity
0.7                  ## [3] [death_proportion]: Proportion of speciation rate to be extinction rate
2                    ## [4] [trait_rate_meta]: Trait evolution rate parameter for metacommunity
1                    ## [5] [ecological_strength]: Strength of community assembly process on phenotypic change
------- LocalCommunity params: Loc1---------------------------------------------
Loc1                 ## [0] [name]: Local community name
1000-10000           ## [1] [J]: Number of individuals in the local community
0.001-0.01           ## [2] [m]: Migration rate into local community
0                    ## [3] [speciation_prob]: Probability of speciation per timestep in local community

Run MESS simulations in API mode

Now we can run a bunch of simulations given our new parameterization using the run() method. Run takes one argument (nsims) which indicates the number of independent community assembly realizations to perform.
   Generating 1 simulation(s).
[####################] 100%  Finished 0 simulations    | 0:00:00 |

We will not do this now, but the run method can also accept an ipyclient argument for specifying a connection to an ipyparallel backend, allowing for massive parallelization. For more info see the MESS parallelization documentation.

Since it can take quite some time to run a number of simulations sufficient for model selection and parameter estimation we will use a suite of pre-baked simulations I generated ahead of time. Fetch them with wget from the compphylo site:

!wc -l SIMOUT.txt
100%[======================================>] 14,234,338  50.0M/s   in 0.3s    
2019-08-11 01:25:27 (50.0 MB/s) - "SIMOUT.txt.1" saved [14234338/14234338]
24440 SIMOUT.txt

NB: The wc command counts the number of lines if you pass it the -l flag. You can see this series of ~25k simulations is about 14MB.

ML assembly model classification

The first step is now to assess the model of community assembly that best fits the data. The three models are neutral, in which all individuals are ecologically equivalent; competition, in which species have traits, and differential survival probability is weighted by distance of traits from the trait mean in the local community (closer to the trait mean == higher probability of death); and filtering, in which there is an environmental optimum, and proximity of trait values to this optimum is positively correlated with survival probability.

Basically we want to know, are individuals in the local community ecologically equivalent, and if not are they interacting more with each other or more with the local environment.

Here we create a MESS.inference.Classifier object and pass in the empirical dataframe, the simulations, and specify RandomForest (‘rf’) as the algorithm to use (other options are GradientBoosting (‘gb’) and AdaBoost (‘ab’)). Very thorough documentation of all the machine learning inference architecture is available on the MESS documentation site.

cla = MESS.inference.Classifier(empirical_df=spider_df, simfile="SIMOUT.txt", algorithm="rf")
est, proba = cla.predict(select_features=False, param_search=False, quick=True, verbose=True)

The Classifier.predict() method provides a very sophisticated suite of routines for automating machine learning performance tuning. Here we disable all of this in order for it to run quickly, trading performance for accuracy. The select_features argument controls whether or not to prune summary statistics based on correlation and informativeness. The param_search argument controls whether or not to exhaustively search the space of parameters to maximize accuracy of the ML algorithm selected. Finally, the quick argument subsets the size of the simulation database to 1000 simulations. In normal conditions, when you want to investigate real data you should use select_featers=True, param_search=True, quick=False. This will result in much more accurate inference, yet will take much more time to run.

The call to cla.predict() returns both the most likely community assembly model (est) and the model probabilities (proba), which you can view:

from IPython.display import display
display(est, proba)

NB: The first line of this codeblock imports the display method from the IPython library, which just makes pd.DataFrames pretty print.


Here we see that the neutral model is vastly favored over the competition and fitering models.

Now we can examine the weight of importance of each feature, an indication of the contribution of each summary statistic to the inference of the ML algorithm. You can also get a quick and dirty plot of feature importances directly from the Classifier object with the plot_feature_importances() method.


NB: The figsize argument controls the size of the output figure. The default is (10, 10), so here we just make it a bit smaller to fit better in the nb window.


The plot_feature_importance() method prunes out all the summary statistics that contribute less than 5% of information to the final model. This method is simply for visualization. Here you can see that the shape of the abundance distributions (as quantified by the first 4 hill numbers) and the standard deviation of nucleotide diversity (pi) within the local community are the most important summary statistics for differentiating between the different community assembly models.

ML parameter estimation

Now that we have identified the neutral model as the most probable, we can estimate parameters of the emipirical data given this model. Essentially, we are asking the question “What are the parameters of the model that generate summary statistics most similar to those of the empirical data?”

The MESS.inference module provides the Regressor class, which has a very similar API to the Classifier. We create a Regressor and pass in the empirical data, the simulations, and the machine learning algorithm to use, but this time we also add the target_model which prunes the simulations to include only those of the community assembly model of interest. Again, we call predict() on the regressor and pass in all the arguments to make it run fast, but do a bad job.

rgr = MESS.inference.Regressor(empirical_df=spider_df, simfile="SIMOUT.txt", target_model="neutral", algorithm="rfq")
est = rgr.predict(select_features=False, param_search=False, quick=True, verbose=False)

NB: Note that here we ask for the rfq algorithm, which designates random forest quantile regression, and allows for constructing prediction intervals, something the stock rf algorithm doesn’t do. The gradient boosting method (gb) provides prediction intervals natively.

The return value est is a dataframe that contains predicted values for each model parameter and 95% prediction intervals, which are conceptually in the same ball park as confidence intervals and HPD.



Similar to the classifier, you can also extract feature importances from the regressor, to get an idea about how each feature is contributing to parameter estimation. In this case, the feature importance plots are a little more useful than the giant table. Also note that we’re requesting a slighly larger figure, because this time there will be much more information.


png png

You can see that some parameters are strongly driven by one or a couple of features, and for some the feature importances are more diffuse. For example species richness (S) contributes overwhelmingly to estimation of local community size (J), which makes sense. On the other hand, many more factors seem to contribute equally to estimation of migration rate (m).

Perform posterior predictive simulations

Finally, a very important step in machine learning inference is to validate the parameter estimates by performing posterior predictive checks (PPCs). The logic of this procedure is that we will generate a suite of simulations using our most probable parameter estimates, and compare these simulations to our empirical data. For our purposes here we will project the summary statistics of observed and simulated datasets into principle component space. If the parameter estimates are a good fit to the data then our posterior predictive simulations will cluster together with the real data, whereas if the parameter estimates are a poor fit, then the real data will be quite different from the simulations.

Spoiler alert: Posterior predictive simulations can take quite a while to run. With the parameters we get even with this toy data a reasonable number of sims could take a couple hours. So! For the purpose of this exercise we are going to munge the estimates to make the simulations run faster. DO NOT DO THIS WITH YOUR REAL DATA!

est["J"] /= 2
est["m"] *= 10
est["_lambda"] /= 2

Here we reduced the size of the local community (J), increased the rate of migration (m), and decreased the duration of the simulation (_lambda). All these things will make the simulations run more quickly. Now go ahead and run this next cell, it should take one to two minutes.

  [#                   ]   5% Performing simulations

NB: The posterior_predictive_check() function can also accept an ipyclient parameter to specify to use an ipyparallel backend. For simplicity here we will not use this option, but in reality it would be a good idea to parallelize the posterior predictive simulations. See the MESS parallelization docs for more info about how to implement the parallel backend.

This time the only thing we have to pass in is the empirical data and the dataframe of prediction values, but I’m showing a couple more arguments here for the sake of completeness. Setting est_only to True will use only the exact parameter estimates for all simulations, whereas setting it to False will sample uniformly between the upper and lower prediction interval for each simulation. nsims should be obvious, the number of posterior predictive simulations to perform. force will overwrite any pre-existing simulations, thus preventing mixing apples with oranges from different simulation runs. On the other hand if this is False (the default), then this is a handy way to add more PPCs to your analysis.

Here is a pretty typical example of a good fit of parameters to the data: png

And here is a nice example of a poor fit of parameters to the data: png

Quite a striking, and obvious difference.

Free time to experiment with other example datasets

Assuming there is any time left you might want to experiment either with some of the other empirical datasets which are provided on the MESS github repo, or with exploring the substantial MESS inference procedure documentation where we show a ton of other cool stuff MESS is capable of that we just don’t have time to go over in this short workshop.


Emerson, B. C., Casquet, J., López, H., Cardoso, P., Borges, P. A., Mollaret, N., … & Thébaud, C. (2017). A combined field survey and molecular identification protocol for comparing forest arthropod biodiversity across spatial scales. Molecular ecology resources, 17(4), 694-707.