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MESS (Massive Eco-Evolutionary Synthesis Simulations) - Part I

This is the first part of the full tutorial for the command line interface (CLI) for MESS. In this tutorial we’ll walk through the entire simulation and analysis process. This is meant as a broad introduction to familiarize users with the general workflow, and some of the parameters and terminology. We will use as an example in this tutorial the spider community data set from La Reunion published by Emerson et al (2017). However, you can follow along with one of the other example datasets if you like, the procedure will be identical although your results will vary.

MESS Part I Outline

Each grey cell in this tutorial indicates a command line interaction. Lines starting with $ indicate a command that should be executed in a terminal connected to the cluster, for example by copying and pasting the text into your terminal. Elements in code cells surrounded by angle brackets (e.g. ) are variables that need to be replaced by the user. All lines in code cells beginning with \#\# are comments and should not be copied and executed. All other lines should be interpreted as output from the issued commands.

## Example Code Cell.
## Create an empty file in my home directory called `watdo.txt`
$ touch ~/watdo.txt

## Print "wat" to the screen
$ echo "wat"

Equilibrium theory of island biogeography and neutral theory

Background and a brief introduction to the MESS model.


Overview of MESS simulation and analysis workflow

The basic steps of this process are as follows:

Installing MESS

NB: You do not need to install MESS for this workshop, rather this is here for completeness and future information should you wish to install MESS on your home cluster.

MESS is distributed as a conda package so installation is simple and and straightforward. If you don’t already have conda installed, do the conda install first.

## Install MESS using conda
$ conda install -c conda-forge -c mess mess

TL;DR Just show me how to do the simulations!

Say you’re impatient and want to skip right to the good stuff, well here you go.

## Get an interactive session on the cluster
## Create a parameters file
MESS -n new-sims
## Do 10 simulations using the default settings and 4 cores
MESS -p params-new-sims.txt -s 10 -c 4

Getting started with the MESS CLI

First, we need to get ourselves an interactive session in the proper conda environment on the cluster, so before going any farther run your script, and activate your environment when it fires up:

$ cd ~
$ bash
$ conda activate CompPhylo_1

Once this finishes you’ll be sitting at a command line on one of the cluster compute nodes. This way any simulations you run will run on the cluster rather than on the login node (makes the admins happier).

To better understand how to use MESS, let’s take a look at the help argument. We will use some of the MESS command line arguments in this tutorial (for example: -n, -p, -s, -c). The complete list of optional arguments and their explanation can be accessed with the --help flag:

$ MESS -h
usage: MESS [-h] [-n new] [-p params] [-s sims] [-c cores] [-r] [-e empirical]
            [-f] [-q] [-Q] [-d] [-l] [--ipcluster [ipcluster]] [--fancy-plots]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n new                create new file 'params-{new}.txt' in current
  -p params             path to params file simulations: params-{name}.txt
  -s sims               Generate specified number of simulations
  -c cores              number of CPU cores to use (Default=0=All)
  -r                    show status of this simulation run
  -e empirical          Validate and import empirical data.
  -f                    force overwrite of existing data
  -q                    do not print to stderror or stdout.
  -Q                    do not print anything ever.
  -d                    print lots more info to mess_log.txt.
  -l                    Write out lots of information in one directory per
  --ipcluster [ipcluster]
                        connect to ipcluster profile
  --fancy-plots         Construct fancy plots and animated gifs.

  * Example command-line usage:
    MESS -n data                       ## create new file called params-data.txt
    MESS -p params-data.txt            ## run MESS with settings in params file
    MESS -p params-data.txt -f         ## run MESS, overwrite existing data.

Create a new parameters file

MESS uses a text file to hold all the parameters for a given community assembly scenario. Start by creating a new parameters file with the -n flag. This flag requires you to pass in a name for your simulations. In the example we use simdata but the name can be anything at all. Once you start analysing your own data you might call your parameters file something more informative, like the name of your target community and some details on the settings.

$ cd ~
$ mkdir MESS 
$ cd MESS

# Create a new params file named 'simdata'
$ MESS -n simdata

This will create a file in the current directory called params-simdata.txt. The params file lists on each line one parameter followed by a ## mark, then the name of the parameter, and then a short description of its purpose. Lets take a look at it.

$ cat params-simdata.txt
------- MESS params file (v.0.1.0)---------------------------------------------
simdata              ## [0] [simulation_name]: The name of this simulation scenario
./default_MESS       ## [1] [project_dir]: Where to save files
0                    ## [2] [generations]: Duration of simulations. Values/ranges Int for generations, or float [0-1] for lambda.
neutral              ## [3] [community_assembly_model]: Model of Community Assembly: neutral, filtering, competition
point_mutation       ## [4] [speciation_model]: Type of speciation process: none, point_mutation, protracted, random_fission
2.2e-08              ## [5] [mutation_rate]: Mutation rate scaled per base per generation
2000                 ## [6] [alpha]: Abundance/Ne scaling factor
570                  ## [7] [sequence_length]: Length in bases of the sequence to simulate
------- Metacommunity params: --------------------------------------------------
100                  ## [0] [S_m]: Number of species in the regional pool
750000               ## [1] [J_m]: Total # of individuals in the regional pool
2                    ## [2] [speciation_rate]: Speciation rate of metacommunity
0.7                  ## [3] [death_proportion]: Proportion of speciation rate to be extinction rate
2                    ## [4] [trait_rate_meta]: Trait evolution rate parameter for metacommunity
1                    ## [5] [ecological_strength]: Strength of community assembly process on phenotypic change
------- LocalCommunity params: island1------------------------------------------
island1              ## [0] [name]: Local community name
1000                 ## [1] [J]: Number of individuals in the local community
0.01                 ## [2] [m]: Migration rate into local community
0                    ## [3] [speciation_prob]: Probability of speciation per timestep in local community

Note: What’s the difference between a CLI argument and a MESS params file parameter, you may be asking yourself? Well, MESS CLI arguments specify how the simulations are performed (e.g. how many to run, how many cores to use, whether to print debugging information, etc), whereas MESS params file parameters dictate the structure of the simulations to run (e.g. sizes of communities, migration rates, specation rates, etc).

The defaults are all values of moderate size that will generate ‘normal’ looking simulations, and we won’t mess with them for now, but lets just change a couple parameters to get the hang of it. Why don’t we change the name parameter of the local community, “island1” is so generic!. Pick your favorite island and change the name to this. Let’s also set J (size of the local community in individuals) equal to 500 as this will speed up the simulations (smaller local communities reach equilibrium faster).

We will use the nano text editor to modify params-simdata.txt and change this parameter:

$ nano params-simdata.txt

Nano is a command line editor, so you’ll need to use only the arrow keys on the keyboard for navigating around the file. Nano accepts a few special keyboard commands for doing things other than modifying text, and it lists these on the bottom of the frame. After you are done making the changes your file will now have lines that look like this:

La_Reunion ## [0] [name]: Local community name
500                 ## [1] [J]: Number of individuals in the local community

Note: For scientific computing, in almost all cases spaces in variable names and labels should be considered harmful. Notice here how I replace the space in “La Reunion” with an underscore (“_”) character, this is common practice that you should adopt.

After you change this parameters you may save and exit nano by typing CTRL+o (to write Output), and then CTRL+x (to eXit the program).

Note: The CTRL+x notation indicates that you should hold down the control key (which is often styled ‘ctrl’ on the keyboard) and then push ‘x’.

Once we start running the simulations and performing MESS analyses all the temp files and directories it needs are created in the project_dir directory and use the prefix specified by the simulation_name parameter. Because we use the default (./default_MESS) for the project_dir for this tutorial, all these intermediate directories will be of the form: ~/MESS/default_MESS/simdata_*, or the analagous name that you used for your assembly name.

Note on files in the project directory: MESS relies on the integrity of the project_directory for keeping track of various temporary files used by the simulation/analysis process. One result of this is that you can have multiple simulations of the same community assembly scenario using different parameter settings and you don’t have to manage all the files yourself! Another result is that you should not rename or move any of the files or directories inside your project directory, unless you know what you’re doing or you don’t mind if your simulations/analyses break.

Run simulations using your edited params file

Special Note: In command line mode please be aware to always specify the number of cores with the -c flag. If you do not specify the number of cores MESS assumes you want only one of them, which will result in painfully slow simulation runs (serial processing).

## -p    the params file we wish to use
## -s    the number of simulations to perform
## -c    the number of cores to allocate   <-- Important!
$ MESS -p params-simdata.txt -s 10 -c 4
  MESS [v.0.1.0]
  Massive Eco-Evolutionary Synthesis Simulations
  Project directory exists. Additional simulations will be appended.

    <MESS.Region simdata: ['La_Reunion']>
  establishing parallel connection:
  host compute node: [4 cores] on goatzilla
    Generating 10 simulation(s).
  [####################] 100%  Performing Simulations    | 0:00:46 | 
  [####################] 100% 
    Finished 10 simulations
 Clean up ipcluster <ipyparallel.client.client.Client object at 0x7f15cc3c9090>

Note: You can see here that MESS is intelligently handling all the parallelization work for you. You tell it how many cores to use with the -c flag and it portions out simulations among all the cores as they become available.

Inspect the output of the simulation runs

Simulation parameters and summary statistics are written to the SIMOUT.txt file. You can check the length of this file.

$ wc -l default_MESS/SIMOUT.txt 
11 default_MESS/SIMOUT.txt

# Use `less` to look inside the file. Use `q` to quit less when you are done.
less default_MESS/SIMOUT.txt

NB: Lines in this file are very long, so less will wrap the text by default. Turn of line wrapping by typing -S then pushing .

S_m     J_m     speciation_rate death_proportion        trait_rate_meta ecological_strength     generations     community_assembly_model
100     750000  2.0     0.7     2.0     1.0     0.0     neutral point_mutation  0.0     2000    570.0   500.0   0.01    0.0     189.0   0.696
100     750000  2.0     0.7     2.0     1.0     0.0     neutral point_mutation  0.0     2000    570.0   500.0   0.01    0.0     43.0    0.238

Setting prior ranges on parameters

Rather than explicitly specifying MESS parameters, let’s say you’re interested in actually estimating them from the observed data. We can do this by simulating over a range of values for each parameter of interest, and then using the MESS inference procedure to estimate these paramters. Let’s say you would like to estimate the size of the local community (J) and the migration rate into the local community (m). Edit your params file again with nano:

nano params-simdata.txt

and change the following two parameter settings:

1000-2000                 ## [1] [J]: Number of individuals in the local community
0.001-0.01                 ## [2] [m]: Migration rate into local community

Note: Saving and quitting from nano: CTRL+o then CTRL+x

Now run some more simulations (MESS will append these new simulations to the SIMOUT file):

$ MESS -p params-simdata.txt -s 10 -c 4
  MESS [v.0.1.0]
  Massive Eco-Evolutionary Synthesis Simulations
  Project directory exists. Additional simulations will be appended.

    <MESS.Region simdata: ['La_Reunion']>
  establishing parallel connection:
  host compute node: [4 cores] on goatzilla
    Generating 10 simulation(s).
  [####################] 100%  Performing Simulations    | 0:00:46 |
  [####################] 100%
    Finished 10 simulations
 Clean up ipcluster <ipyparallel.client.client.Client object at 0x7f15cc3c9090>

Let’s use cut to look at just the columns we’re interested in (J and m), which are the 13th and 14th columns.

$ cut -f 13,14 default_MESS/SIMOUT.txt
J       m
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
500.0   0.01
1118.0  0.00205
1168.0  0.00172
1515.0  0.00323
1061.0  0.0014
1305.0  0.00859
1434.0  0.00881
1397.0  0.00706
1096.0  0.00509
1889.0  0.00112
1699.0  0.00285

And you’ll see that these parameter values are now taking a range, as we specified. In MESS Part II you will see how we can combine massive amounts of simulations under varying parameter ranges with machine learning to estimate parameters of the model with real data.